For any queries regarding Latest Deals, please use the contact form there. For anything else, feel free to send me a Tweet.
For Media
I am available and experienced for all types of interviews including print, online, radio and television. You can watch me on Lorraine ITV1 Live, listen to my interview with BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine for a sample. I am available at short notice and happy to do telephone interviews, Skype interviews and vox-pops.
My topics of interest are: personal finance, money saving, millennials, technology, suit tailoring, writing and publishing.
- Tom is co-founder of, the UK’s second biggest money saving community.
- Author of Money’s Big Secret
- In 2016 he was declared “Britain’s Sexiest Man” by nearly every UK national media outlet after tricking Google
- He calls himself a “life hacker“, someone who uses unorthodox methods to increase productivity and efficiency in all walks of life
- In 2014 he published How To Live For Free which has been a #1 Amazon best seller for over 18 months with Deepak Tailor, Winner of BBC Dragon’s Den
- Tom is a millennial and has campaigned to raise awareness of expensive train fares, Generation Rent, the Pension Time-bomb, and a lack of financial education in schooling

Tom Church with #1 Best Seller, Money’s Big Secret – click to download full size (feel free to use with link to my blog)

Tom Church with #1 Best Seller, Money’s Big Secret – click to download full size (please feel free to use with link to my blog)