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How to memorise your new phone number in less than 24 hours
A quick life hack: how to learn your new phone number in less than 24 hours.
Quizlet is a flashcard memory app that lets you study any topic of your choice.
While Quizlet is mostly for learning academic subjects, it also has the added feature of letting you create your own tests.
You can use this to memorise your new phone number instantly.
Download the app on iOS or Android, sign in, and ‘create a new study set’.
The ‘Term’ is the answer i.e. your phone number ’07xxxxx787x’, the ‘Definition’ is the question i.e. ‘My phone number?’
For some reason, Quizlet makes you enter a minimum of two questions to create a test, so you’ll have to think of another question. I tested myself for my girlfriend’s birthday.
- ✓ Monthly best books to read
- ✓ Interviews with world experts
- ✓ Tools and resources
Other uses for Quizlet
Other than using Quizlet to learn my new phone number, I’m finding more uses too:
- Learning birthdays of friends and family
- Memorising the titles and authors of books I’ve read
- Remembering the names of business contacts I’ve met