Tralfamadorians, a green alien race with hands for heads and…
New Book: Money’s Big Secret
My new #1 best seller, Money’s Big Secret, is available now on Amazon!
- Learn how to fully automate your money so it cuts debt, saves more and invests 100% hands-free
- Discover the alternative history of money that’s gathering steam and provoking big discussions
- Uncover timeless strategies rich dynasties have used for over 2,000 years to keep their money
You can buy Money’s Big Secret in paperback (FREE next day delivery with Amazon Prime).
#1 Amazon Best Seller

Money’s Big Secret is a #1 Amazon best seller
How’s Your Money Doing?
How’s your money doing? Are you on track to buy a house, stop working and live comfortably? Do you know – for certain – that you will retire a millionaire?
This book is relevant to you if:
- You have debt
- You want to save more
- You invest or want to start investing
- You plan to buy a house
- You want to retire early
- You want to stop working
- You want to grow your money
- You want to save time by automating your money
Money’s Big Secret is the result of 12 months of research and experimentation. It will show you how to apply life hacking principles (minimum effort, maximum output) to money: full-automation for cutting debt, saving more, investing sustainably.
Having read over 50 books on the history, psychology and practical implementation of money, interviews with dozens of money experts, and experiments with scores of willing guinea pigs, I have condensed the learnings into one simple-to-read book published on Amazon.
1. Money’s Secret History
You will discover an alternative theory to the invention of money, namely, why it was ever created. Most people forget there was a time before money – it’s not a natural thing – and they assume it was created to help trade. This was the foundation of Adam Smith’s theory of economics. However, a second look at historical evidence shows this may not be true. Instead, money was invented to keep track of debt.
In Money’s Big Secret I explain the implications of this new understanding and how you can use it to change the way you think about money.
2. Money’s Social Life
Money also has a big social life. How you make it dictates how you spend it. I examine case studies from around the world including the poorest societies in the present day and past to understand how psychology impacts the way we think about money. I uncover the flaws in our thinking with the help of Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and create automated money systems to get round them: we are not very good with money, so let’s automate it.
3. How rich people stay rich for over 2,000 years
Behind the proposed step-by-step methodology is research into what has kept dynastic families, banks and the wealthy rich for over 2,000 years. Timeless strategies that when combined with modern technology such as automated index funds will let you grow your money safely and sustainably with time.
4. How to cut debt, FAST
Debt is the devil of getting rich. Insight into the operations of credit card companies shows how they want you to be a perpetual cycle of debt. It’s in their interest that you constantly pay the maximum amount of interest without ever touching the actual debt. As debt nearly always costs more than what you can earn with investments and interest, it stops you from ever getting rich. Money’s Big Secret introduces The 3-30 Money Diet which has been tried and tested by willing guinea pigs over the last year, and reformed by some of the UK’s top money bloggers (see list below).
Download Chapter 1 for Free
Money’s Big Secret has 13 chapters divided into two parts. In the first part I share the history and psychology of money, revealing evidence that will change your core understanding of money. In the second part I explain detailed step-by-step methodology to automate your money including investing for the long-term.
You can download Chapter 1 for free (including a preface from BBC Dragon’s Den Winner, Deepak Tailor) below to get a flavour of the book. I use storytelling to make money – a normally boring topic – easy to understand. Download the sample chapter now:
Extra Resources: Top 25+ Money Bloggers
Money bloggers are an excellent – and often free – resource to learn how to manage your money. Some kindly picked apart my book and gave useful feedback and considerations which have been incorporated. Others even tried The 3-30 Money Diet proposed and helped me shape it into the fantastic results-driven programme it is today.
Here is a list of top money bloggers for you as an additional resource. They include coupon queens, deals and voucher code experts, frugal living pros, investment specialists, long-term thinkers, eco-friendly solutions, food recycling and tech-driven initiatives. Most often, the clue is in the name.
Handy Twitter List of UK Money Bloggers
UK Money Bloggers Profiles and Contact Info
- Extreme Coupling and Deals UK – By Emma Mumford
- Mums Savvy Savings – By Emma Bradley
- Lotty Earns – By Charlotte Burns
- Mrs Mummy Penny – By Lynn James
- The Money Principle – By Maria Nedeva
- Thinking Thrifty UK – by David Jack Taylor
- Be Clever With Your Cash – by Andy Webb
- The Shrewd Life – By Lauren Snell
- From Aldi to Harrods – By Emma Drew
- Ashleigh Money Saver – By Ashleigh Swan
- Money Saving Girl – By Martyna Sroka
- Eco Thrifty Living – By Zoe Morrison
- Cant Swing A Cat – By Jen Sarah
- My Mummys Pennies – By Jennifer Dixon
- Katy Kicker – by Katy Stevens
- Coupon Mama UK – by Kez Richards
- Reduced Grub – by Kelly Eroglu
- The Money Shed – by Jon Shed
- Small Acorn Money – by Mark Underdown
- Money Nuggets – by Esther Mukoro
- Mathew’s Money Blog – By Mathew Cufc Parks
- Saving Scotts – By Beckie Elizabeth Martin-Scott
- The Frugal Cottage – By Nicola Richardson
Books I Researched
This is a selection of books I researched, condensed and used in the writing of Money’s Big Secret. Often, reading the books and author used is a great way to cement your understanding of the topic.
- The Man Who Planted Trees – Jean Giono
- Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman
- 100 Ways to Beat The Credit Crunch – Annie Shaw, Laura Howard & Simon Read
- The Money Diet – Martin Lewis
- Poor Economics – Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo
- Road to Wigan Pier – George Orwell
- The Other America – Michael Harrington
- The Black Swan – Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Debt: The First 5,000 Years – David Graeber
- The Ascent of Money – Niall Ferguson
- Nudge – Thaler & Sunstein
- The Rent Trap – Walker & Jeraj
- I Will Teach You To Be Rich – Ramit Sethi
- How to Complain – Helen Dewdney
- Genghis Khan: The Man Who Conquered The World – Frank McLynn
- Dictator – Robert Harris
- The Obstacle Is The Way – Ryan Holiday
- The One-Straw Revolution – Masanobu Fukuoka
- Sowing Seeds in the Desert – Masanobu Fukuoka
- The Signal and the Noise – Nate Silver
- Liquid Life – Zygmunt Bauman
- The Penguin Guide to Finance – Hugo Dixon
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind – Yuval Noah Harari
- The Qur’an – (yes, the religious text: surprisingly large quantities of which is about debt)
- Property Magic – Simon Zutshi
- Successful Property Letting – David Lawrenson
- The Minimalist Budget – Simeon Lindstrom
- The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham
Video introduction to Money’s Big Secret
I would love for this book to become a timeless classic and have written in such a way that the methodologies do not need updating every year. The tactics and principles will work for decades. I recommend purchasing the paperback over the Kindle version for a nicer reading experience. Please do leave a generous review on Amazon as well as that helps spread the word.
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